You have a story to tell.

But creating a book that makes an impact isn’t easy.

Especially without support and guidance.

You need a clear path to get this book out of your own head and into the hands of people who need it.

Where do you even start?

We totally get it and that's why we’ve broken everything down into a simple 5-step path for you.

Inside Christian Book Academy, we help you progress through our Kingdom Writer's Path.

First Draft

Get the ugly, messy first draft out of your head and onto paper.

Final Draft

Self-edit your draft with our 7-step method plus hire a professional editor.


Learn the steps to publish a print book, eBook, and more!

Book Launch

Launch your book into the world and make your first book sale.

Impact Lives

Make a difference with ongoing marketing to reach your first 100 readers.

Let’s turn this page together! It’s time for your message to touch lives in ways you’ve never imagined.

Ready for God to use you to impact lives?

It's time to publish your book this year!

Introducing Christian Book Academy

Bring Your Book to Life

Become a Published Author

Impact Lives

Christian Book Academy will help you:

Overcome self-doubt, writer’s block, and fear of criticism to confidently share your words.

Save thousands of dollars using our self-publishing roadmap and expert guidance.

Establish yourself as an expert opening doors for speaking engagements and more!

Develop effective marketing strategies to reach and engage readers

Create a lasting legacy by sharing your message with readers beyond your own lifespan.

Transform hearts and touch lives with your words in books that leave an eternal impact.

Be Our Next Success Story!

Are you ready to bring your book to life while feeling fully supported?

Take a step of faith and finally finish your book!

Inside Christian Book Academy:

Save time, money and the frustration of figuring it all out alone with our clear and confident roadmap.

Connect with new writing friends in our supportive community that get you.

Get tools and mentoring to help you overcome self-doubt, grow as a writer, and leave a legacy with your writing.

See results in just 15-minutes a day with our monthly challenges.

Make significant progress on your book in our Monthly Virtual Retreats

Reach your goals with Take Action Weeks and our Unlock Your writing program.


or $450/year

You get all of this for $49/month or $450/year


Spend $1000 to $2000 for a writer's conference after travel, hotel, food plus your ticket.


Pay $450 $350 for an entire year of content, community, and coaching from the comfort of your own home.

Embark on your writing journey today!


What Members Are Saying

Plus, this amazing BONUS content!

Get More Reviews Toolkit

Get access to our updated toolkit with templates to boost your social proof and sell more books.

30-Day Kindle Challenge

Cross the finish line and press publish on your Kindle eBook using our challenge.

Specialty Books

Learn how to publish books in various formats including children's books.

Tech Library

Save money by formatting your books with our tutorials.


  • Easy-to-Navigate Member Area: Get results faster with simplified design.
  • Bite-Sized Videos (10-20 mins): Fit book writing into the nooks and crannies of your life.
  • Monthly Next Steps Coaching Call: Expert help to solve your writing challenges (Our members are loving these calls!)
  • Quick Answers in the Ask Shelley Forum: Simply post your question in this section of our community and you’ll get a response within 24-48 hours.
  • Progress Pods: Peer-led accountability groups where you meet with like-minded Kingdom writers each week to help you move forward so you never get stuck again.
  • Academy Reward Program: Get special bonuses when you complete each phase of the Kingdom Writers Path plus other fun surprises along the way.

You can also see the time-limited bonuses and benefits you'll get with your membership when you join here.

Click the settings in the play bar to watch the video in fullscreen or speed it up. and to read the transcript.

We Treat You Like Family.

Join Christian Book Academy and make progress on your book!

It's a month-to-month commitment and you are free to cancel anytime in just 3 clicks. No hard feelings! We don't hold you hostage.

We look forward to helping you bring your writing dreams to life.

Meet Your Writing Mentors, CJ and Shelley Hitz

We understand the struggle of wanting to write your book while also wondering if it will be good enough.

Since 2010, we have...

  • Helped over 1,000 writers overcome self-doubt and become published authors.
  • Published over 70 books through our independent publishing company, Body and Soul Publishing.
  • Reached almost a million readers worldwide with our books.

Together we create a powerful team to help you accomplish your goals and are often called "pastors for writers."

2-Minute Encouragement + Prayer from CJ and Shelley

What Kind of Results Can YOU Expect?

Here are the results from just a few of our members...

Teresa discovered a new stream of income.

Teresa Mills was looking for ways to create extra income for retirement. She published a few eBooks but wasn’t making much money.

After joining Christian Book Academy, she learned how to publish her eBooks as print books and her royalties took off. She now has an entire series of 15 travel books for kids.

Angela published her children's book in 6 months.

Angela Meijer wanted to publish a children’s book for years.

She joined Christian Book Academy and in just 6 months, she published her first full-color children’s book.

Once she learned the process, she published an entire series of children's books.

Jan saved thousands of dollars using our roadmap.

Jan Cox published her first book with a small publisher. She paid $5000 and sold 1000 copies of her first book. However, it wasn't profitable because her costs were so high.

After joining Christian Book Academy, she learned how to self-publish, which saved her thousands of dollars and tripled her profit on each book sale.

Heather Erdmann published her first book within 6 months of joining.

Jennifer Nelson published her first book 10 days after joining.

Tanecia Mitchell published her book in 3 months after struggling 5 years.

Jan Johnson was intimidated by the learning curve of writing a book. However, with the help of Christian Book Academy, she was able to break down all the components of writing and publishing books. She published her first novella and was able to reach #1 on the bestseller list for Inspirational Fiction.

Sheila McIntyre had a dream of published a book for over 7 years. Fear caused her to stall out so often because she knew it wouldn't be perfect. However, Christian Book Academy helped her to get over every single stall-out and finally publish her book.

Lauren Darroch overcame “writer’s guilt” and finally started writing consistently after joining our membership, Christian Book Academy. She’s more productive than ever, publishing two books at the same time and is now working on her third book.

Have a question before joining?

How does this membership work?  

Instantly access our training, private group, and live Zoom calls upon joining. The cost is $49/month or $450/year and you can cancel at any time in just 3 clicks.

Can I get personalized help? 

Absolutely! Post your questions in our private group for feedback, ask Shelley directly during monthly Voxer office hours, or the monthly Next Steps Coaching call or invest in one-on-one coaching with Shelley for an additional fee.

What if I don't write Christian books?  

We welcome writers from all genres who appreciate spiritual and emotional encouragement alongside the practical training needed to write, self-publish, and market your books.

What's the pace like?

You set it! We understand everyone’s schedule varies. Our flexible approach allows you to focus on what matters most right now.

How much time is required weekly? 

Christian Book Academy is designed to fit around your schedule; even devoting an hour per week to the membership will be beneficial!  

Does the membership cover Amazon publishing? 

Yes! We provide instructions for publishing on Amazon as part of our curriculum. You’ll learn how to self-publish eBooks, print books, full-color books and more.

Are there other fees involved in publishing my book?  

Yes – editing, formatting, and cover design are additional costs but we’ll guide you through budget-friendly options. Many of our members shared that they saved thousands of dollars in publishing fees by going through our training.  

Will you publish my book?

CJ and Shelley own an independent publishing company called, Body and Soul Publishing. However, they don't currently publish other writers' books. In the academy, we show you step-by-step how to publish your book.

If I don’t plan on publishing a book, will this still help me?

If you want to write in different formats like blogging or paid articles, you can still benefit from our monthly Virtual Writing Retreats and community. Writing can be lonely and a supportive community can greatly help you!

What denomination are you?  

Right now CJ and Shelley attend a non-denominational church, but Shelley grew up in the Church of God from Anderson, Indiana and CJ grew up in a Baptist church. We follow Jesus and believe in being led by the Holy Spirit and have people from many denominations in our academy.

What if I miss the Virtual Writing Retreats?

No worries! We have recordings of our retreats you can use at your convenience. One of our members, Esther Espinoza, used the recordings due to a time zone difference and was able to finish writing her novella.

Do you offer any scholarships at this time?  

We occasionally award partial scholarships, especially if you are in another country with a low exchange rate or are in a difficult situation. Just send us a message explaining why we should consider it!

Do you cover children's books?  

Certainly! Our Specialty Books module includes training on children’s books and in our publishing training you will learn how to self-publish full-color books.

Can I upgrade to a yearly membership later?

You sure can! You can upgrade your membership any time by emailing us at

Have other questions?

Click the chat button on this page and send us a message. We’re happy to help!  

Or click here to contact us via email.

How the Membership Works


Silence the inner critic fueling your self-doubt


Partner with God to finish writing your book


Become a published author that impacts lives


Get started for just $49/month

Write and publish your book!

Is Christian Book Academy for you?

This membership is a perfect fit for you, if…


You are a Christian writer seeking guidance and support to help you navigate the complexities of writing and self-publishing your book.


You desire to make a meaningful impact with your words and touch the lives of readers.


You are open to learning new marketing strategies to reach a wider audience with your message.


You want to grow personally as a writer, overcome self-doubt, and leave a lasting legacy through your writing.


You are looking for a supportive community of like-minded writers who share your faith-based values.

Where Writers Become Authors!

Join Our Community of Kingdom Writers

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

The Crossroads

Right now you're standing at a crossroads.

Imagine a life where your words have the power to shape someone's life and to touch souls—the life you’ve always envisioned as a writer.

Christian Book Academy is the key that unlocks this extraordinary chapter of your story, guiding you towards a future filled with fulfillment, purpose, and profound impact.

Right now you have two choices.

1. You can continue down the road you've been on - writing alone and trying to figure everything out by yourself. This path is lonely and often leads to frustration.

2. Or you can join Christian Book Academy today and decide to do something different. Decide to get the support you need and have a clear path to follow.

No longer will you feel lost in the complexities of self-publishing. Our step-by-step approach will illuminate the path ahead, ensuring clarity and empowering you to navigate every stage of bringing your book to life.

Which will it be?

Open the door to your author dreams so God can use your words to impact lives!