You’re getting a lot of things right, but you know God has more for you in the Kingdom of God as a writer.
Answering God's call to write words that will outlive you.
Publishing books that fulfill your calling.
Reaching more readers with the message of your book.
Want to see God move in even greater ways through your writing?
If so, we’ve got something that can help.
CJ and Shelley Hitz along with 10 contributors share practical tips and encouragement
to help you move forward with your writing desires and goals.
Who am I to be writing, publishing, and marketing a book? Am I qualified?
What will other people think of me? Will they think I’m prideful and greedy if I publish a book and share about it?
Why didn't I finish my book earlier? I’ve waited too long (or I’m too old). I think I’ve missed my chance.
Is my writing good enough? Do I have what it takes? Do I have the skills I need to be a writer?
Who will read my book? How is my writing any different than what’s already been written?
What if my book never sells? Does that mean something is wrong with me?
Kingdom writers, let the words flow as you allow God to write through you. You are priestly pens in the hands of the author of life.
God wants to use your words to impact lives for eternity.
It's time to write words that will outlive you.
Will you give God your yes?
Chapter 1: Your Story Matters
Chapter 2: Your Story for God’s Glory
Chapter 3: Dare to Dream Again
Chapter 4: For Such a Time as This
Chapter 5: Filled and Skilled as a Writer
Chapter 6: Where Do You Put Your Trust?
Chapter 7: One of Our Biggest Obstacles
Chapter 8: How to Persevere in your Writing
Chapter 9: One God Idea
Chapter 10: Three Reasons Every Christian Author Needs a Prayer Team
The sun was shining down on my face as I gazed out to the ocean that never seemed to end. I felt the white sand from the Pensacola beach between my toes. My heart was full as I looked over at my sister. Spending a week of quality time with family was just what the doctor ordered for me that June 2016.
Near the end of my vacation, we walked into my sister’s church for Sunday services. During the worship time, while we were singing, I sensed God speak to me. It wasn't an audible voice. However, He said three powerful words very clearly to me in my spirit.
"Finish the book."
Immediately, I knew which book.
You see, about a year prior, I wrote the first draft of my book, "Broken Crayons Still Color." However, I was stuck and never finished it.
Honestly, I didn't want to finish it because it was a difficult book to write. In it, I share the stories of my life including the brokenness and trauma I have experienced. In one chapter, I share about the sexual abuse I experienced and in another chapter the addiction to internet pornography I struggled with for two years as a married Christian woman.
This isn’t a book about my victories. It’s a book about my biggest failures.
Many times what we see as our biggest regrets, failures, and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives.
God transforms our brokenness into something more beautiful than we can even imagine. He takes our mess and creates a masterpiece.
No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, there is hope. Healing and freedom through Christ are available to you.
You see, broken crayons still color.
However, shame often tries to stop us from telling our testimonies.
I heard shame whisper to me, "Shh. You need to be quiet. Don't tell these stories. People will look at you differently. They will see you as perverted and disgusting. If you publish this book, it will only lead to heartache and embarrassment."
After that vacation, I returned home and knew what I needed to do. No matter how difficult it was, I knew I needed to obey. I began writing the book again. Not in my strength, but in His.
“That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10
Five months later, I finally finished the book, “Broken Crayons Still Color.” I published my greatest failures for all the world to read.
People tell me that by simply reading the title of the book, God has brought healing to them. I have received more emails than I can count from readers who have been impacted by this book.
I am humbled and amazed.
Even with all the brokenness and trauma in my past, God is using my story in incredible ways for His glory.
And He wants to do the same with your writing. God wants to use your words to impact lives for eternity.
Kingdom writer, it's time to write words that will outlive you.
Will you give God your yes?
We understand the struggle of wanting to write your book while also wondering if it will be good enough.
Since 2010, we have...
Together we create a powerful team to help you accomplish your goals and are often called "pastors for writers."
This video recording with Shelley Hitz includes coaching and accountability in a 15-minute group writing session. You'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you write for just 15-minutes.
This video recording is powerful as we meet together as Kingdom Writers. This is something they host each month for Christian Book Academy members and it is a member favorite. You won't want to miss it!
Join Shelley as she answers 61 of your questions related to writing, self-publishing and marketing your books. We include time stamps so you can jump ahead to the question most applicable for you.
Inside the Kingdom Writer’s Bundle, you’ll get access to resources to help you move forward in your call to write.
You’ll get:
You can learn about writing, self-publishing, and marketing books from many “experts” on the internet today.
So why learn from us?
Our newest book, Kingdom Writers, is different from most books for writers because our focus is on incorporating God into every aspect of your writing, publishing, and marketing.
What this looks like:
We not only help you write, publish, and market your book, but we care for you spiritually as well.
And it makes all the difference.
We’d love to have you experience this difference inside our newest book, Kingdom Writers.
Beth Jones
Chapter One: The Power of Sharing Your Story
Dr. Tim Riordan
Chapter Two: The Impact of Your Words
Kim Steadman
Chapter Three: Fulfilling a Writing Dream
Debra L. Butterfield
Chapter Four: Hearing God's Voice as a Writer
Ruth L. Snyder
Chapter Five: Seeking God’s Guidance as CEO in Your Writing
Sharilee Swaity
Chapter Six: God's Perfect Timing
Janis Cox
Chapter Seven: Finding Your Publishing Path
Jendayi Harris
Chapter Eight: Perseverance in Your Writing Journey
Dr. Lana Scroggins
Chapter Nine: Seeking God's Ideas for Your Writing
Jennifer Waddle
Chapter Ten: The Power of Forming a Prayer Team
“If you are a Christian and feel called to write a book, but maybe you're intimidated by the process, this book by Shelley and CJ Hitz was written for you. God is a God of story, and He has given us each a story to tell; some people are called to put that story in writing for the world to experience with us. Be encouraged with the practical tips in this book, by Shelley's own story, and also by the stories of other authors who have been in your shoes whom God has helped follow His plan for their lives.”
- Katie Erickson, Editor, Designer, Author
Kingdom Writers was written to inspire you to share your story. Everyone matters and everyone has a story to tell. God has brought you through many circumstances of life that could be a help or blessing for someone to learn they can make it too. There is no limit to what God can do and this book will provide you with practical tips, encouragement and inspire you to seek God to show you His calling on your life that can be a blessing to others.
Lana Wynn Scroggins, PhD, author
Is this only for Christian writers?
It sure is! However, you don't have to write Christian books. There are a lot of offerings out there for general advice for writers, but this book has been created specifically for Christ-minded writers to help them move forward so they can get their words out into the world.
Will I get a print book?
For this launch, we are selling the digital version only from our website. You'll get the book in these file formats: PDF, epub and mobi. Later this year we plan to also publish the book in print on Amazon, but wanted to sell it from our website with bonuses first.
I live in another country. Can I still purchase the book?
Yes absolutely! The book can be downloaded in an eBook format (PDF, epub, mobi) from anywhere in the world.
I still have questions!
No problem! Shoot an email over to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can (usually within 24-48 hours).
Answering God's call to write for His glory.
To use the talents God has given you to get His message out to the people He loves using your unique voice. Someone somewhere needs to hear your story.
To write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and partnering with God.
To seek community with other writers who hold the same values which includes using the gifts God has given you in ways that honor Him and further His work.
A sacred, stretching trust from the Lord. An honor, privilege, and joy.
Grab your copy of our book, Kingdom Writers, and take the next step so you can move forward on God's call to write.
"I highly recommend this book for authors - both novice and experienced. 5 out of 5 stars!"
- Jennifer Nelson, Author
"I really liked it. I found it was easy to follow and very well organized."
- Teresa Moyer, writer
"Every Christian author should read this book, not just once, but on multiple occasions."
- Dak Frederick, Author and Musician
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
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